30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 4 – Favourite TV Programme

So Todays blog post is going to be rather short which I didn’t really want but I sorta left it until last minute to do and time is ticking away so I only have 15 minutes, woops. I apologise for the brief post – I will make sure Tomorrow’s blog post makes up for it. Hahaha

Anyhows, my favourite TV programme by far has got to be One Tree Hill, and i’m gutted that Season 9 was the last one. I used to watch it every single Monday religiously and I can’t say i’ve disliked any episode of them all. From start to finish they are all A-MA-ZING and I could just watch the same episodes over and over (the same way i do with friends;)). I will be buying the box sets pretty soon so I can just watch them all day long – £78.75 on Amazon, total bargain!

I’m also a pretty religious fan of Neighbours, every show is series linked (*yay for Sky+*) and I just sit and watch them at the end of the week. I’m obsessed, its quite sad actually;) I love love love Toadie, hes just my total fave. And I have to say Kyle and Andrew appeal to me too. I love it.

And… not to brag or anything but Sam Clark (or Ringo Brown) follows me on twitter – had to throw that in there somewhere really didn’t I. woo woo

Sorry again for the boring post but I do promise that tomorrows blog post will be better 😉

Gooooood night!