30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 7 – 5 Things I couldn’t possibly live without


A nice little picture from Pinterest to go with todays theme :’) awwww

1. Family

My family mean the world to me. Without them I don’t know what i’d do, my Mum and Dad are ALWAYS there for me, and help me when I need them – and go shopping with me;-) as much as I can get annoyed and frustrated with them, they are the most important people in my life who I love so much. I also have two brothers who are more like my best friends; I can trust them with pretty much everything and they never fail to cheer me up when I’m down – they literally make me laugh in some way every single day. We can fall out and annoy eachother but we always end up being best mates again a few minutes later, love them both so much! 

2. My Phone

I never go anywhere without my phone, I just can’t leave it. I need it to contact my friends, to check my facebook and twitter, I even have the WordPress app on it so that I can check and update my blog. Although, the main reason I probably need my phone so much is for the time, I don’t wear a watch as much as I used to and I can’t stand not knowing what time it is – it frustrates me when I don’t know it. 

3. Books

I’m a total bookworm and I’m constantly looking for new books to read. I love having a good book that I just cannot put down. I’m a total nerd when it comes to books – i like them to be in order, I hate it when they get damaged and I especially hate it when people fold down the corners. JUST USE A BOOKMARK gosh!;) I find it so peaceful and relaxing when I go to bed and read my books until I get tired, I love it. I’m currently reading The Last Song after watching it AGAIN for the millionth time. I only started reading it today but i’ll do a blogpost once i’m done with a quick review. 

4. Friends

After coming to my decision to leave college, I knew that i’d need my friends more than ever. And in the past few weeks where I wasn’t myself at college they were all amazing and I honestly can’t imagine a group of better friends. I wouldn’t be able to bare being without them and couldn’t possibly live without our regular chats and gossip sessions. 

5. My bed

My bed is like the comfiest thing in my life. I love lying in bed with a movie, or my laptop, or a book and just getting comfy and relaxing. Going to bed and getting engaged in a book just lets my mind shut off and helps me get a good night sleep. My bed is also the perfect place to think, although it can be rather annoying when I think too much into things to the point where I get worried about nothing but usually my bed helps me to relax and without it i wouldn’t be able to cope. Its way too comfortable (I’m lazy *yawwwwn*)